Roland Fitness | Short on time? Don’t be short on life
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Short on time? Don’t be short on life


Short on time? Don’t be short on life

The trick to getting fit fast – and living longer – is to think smart and start now. Take a look ten years into the future. How do you look and feel? Chances are if you’re not exercising now, the picture is not that great. Aching joints, bad skin, overweight…

But you’re busy. Fitting in family, friends and work is hard enough. You see how long your friends spend at the gym – but you don’t see them make any gains.

Stop right there. Integrating movement into your life is easier, simpler and faster than you think. The key to getting results is to understand why you’re doing it, and then create a programme that’s realistic, fun and specific to you. You can’t turn back time – but you can do more with the time you have now.

Why does exercising now matter?

How’s that spare tyre? Is your skin dry and lifeless? Are you sluggish and exhausted at the end of the day? Mood swings? Anxious or unable to concentrate?

If things don’t look so great on the outside, chances are the inside isn’t good either – and it’s only going to get worse as you age. Osteoporosis, a condition that makes bones prone to breaking, affects millions worldwide. Heart disease and diabetes are also clogging up hospital waiting lists. The risk is real – but you can prevent disease with the right exercise and diet.

How to fit exercise into a busy life

Chunk it! Break your exercise programme into manageable parts. Thirty minutes of cardio and weights three times a week; or rotate cardio and weights for 20 minutes five times a week. A trainer can help you find the best mix.

Variety is the spice of life – and the key to staying interested. Take a new cycling route or sign up for a dance class. Tap, ballet or belly – it all counts. If your favourite sport is swimming, trying something new like yoga. Exercise with friends or colleagues.

Walk before you run. Start small – don’t put yourself off by trying too much too soon. Slowly increase frequency and duration – an extra five minutes on the treadmill or upping the weights a notch will translate to gains.

Get creative about managing your time. Twelve hours of non-work time in a day? Use it. Getting up 30 minutes earlier three times a week – 90 minutes of exercise you never had.

Work smart. Cancel meetings you can do over the phone, exercise instead. Walk while you talk. Exercise at lunch; be full of energy for the afternoon. Keep a mat, some dumbbells or resistance bands in your office.

Anything is better than nothing. Get out of your chair and climb the stairs every hour. Walk, don’t drive; or park further away. Gardening or cleaning are great ways to burn calories – and often quite therapeutic.

Hang out – and work out – with the kids. Go biking or swimming together. Play. Walk or run while you wait to pick them up.

Track and motivate yourself – use one smart phone application such Withings or pedometer and record your progress in a log.

Don’t get low on gas. Protein bars, low-fat muffins, dried and fresh fruit, carrot sticks, and cereal are healthy options to keep you going. Check out some shake ideas Check out some shake ideas here:…/the-last-protein-smoothie-recipe-y…/

Frequent traveler? No excuses. Goodbye conveyor belt – walking with baggage is great weight-lifting exercise. Schedule flights to allow time in the hotel gym or local pool. No gym? Jog in front of your television. Dance. Pack a jump-rope. Stretch or do some crunches.

Don’t look and feel old before your time.

It makes no sense saying you can’t fit in three hours of exercise a week if this decision deprives you of healthy years. Think long-term, and enjoy benefits now too: energy, pain-free movement, better posture, and that wonderful post-workout euphoria!

For more ideas on building exercise into your life, and the right tools for maximum gain, get in touch!

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